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さて、教育というものが地点と地点をつなぐ橋渡しだとすれば、最終的にこの橋はどこに人を導いていくのでしょう? つまり、教育の最終的な目的地はどこなのでしょうか?

高度な技能を持つ専門家の養成でしょうか? 安定した収入が得られる会社への就職でしょうか?





























それでは、このコンパスはどうすれば手に入れられるでしょうか? この答えは「内面的な教育にある」と私は考えます。








































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青木 光太郎

千葉県旭市出身。小中高大(大学1年目の数週間)と日本の教育を受けたのち、2012年にアメリカ・コネチカット州のリベラルアーツ大学である「ウェズリアン大学」に入学する。ウェズリアン大学では欧米哲学を専攻する。2016年に大学を卒業した後は、グローバル投資運用会社からバーの皿洗いまで職を転々とする。当初の予定であったアメリカの大学院への進学の代わりに、アジアからヨーロッパに至る放浪の旅を2018年春にはじめる。現在はインドで「インド哲学」とその実践を学んでいる。変わり続ける世界のなかで変わることのない真理を知り、生き、教えるのを人生の仕事とする。翻訳で生計を立てており、それ以外の時間は鍛錬か研究をしているか、もしくは竹を吹いている。2019年の初春頃に内面的教育を主眼に置いた活動「Sadhana Bridge」を創始予定。筆者への質問、感想、その他の問い合わせは まで。

[Liberal Arts 05] Education as Bridge Building: Liberal Arts and Inward Education

My sincere apologies for the late update. The delay was due to my personal business and the choice of the subject matter that I have assigned for this article, which is ambitious and general–the education of tomorrow.

Author: Kotaro Aoki

Education as Bridge Building

In the last four articles, I have been writing about different aspects of liberal arts education in the United States, especially at its so-called elite private universities. Since this is the last article of the series, I want to contextualize what I have written so far within today’s world and its need for higher education. From there, I will venture to elaborate on my thoughts on education in general. This is a very ambitious theme, thus I shall focus on essential parts so I won’t waste your time.

First, let us examine the essence of education. There are myriads of education out there. What they all have in common is that their essential aim is to lead students from one point to another, namely, their choice of destination. In essence, then, education is about building a bridge. The choice of destination for a bridge initially depends on where students are in their life stage. The deciding factors are things like age, interests, needs, and etc., Here, let us take the case of the mandatory education system in Japan. In this system, age is the primary deciding factor in the choice of destination for students. Destination, namely levels of achievement in each subject, is mostly predetermined and categorized by age groups. As students grow in age, they are given more freedom and options to decide their destination–whether they want to choose the science or humanity path, what major they want to choose, what professional skills they want to acquire, and etc.,

Then, if education is about building a bridge from one point to another, where is this bridge, or a sequence of bridges, eventually going to take students? That is, where is the final destination of our education? Is it training of highly skilled specialists? Or, is it guaranteed employment at well paying company? Our answer to this simple question is more important than it may seem. It will determine the course of our individual and growth of society.

It might sound like I’m playing with words, but I argue that the final destination of education is to enable students to decide their own final destination of education. After a certain point, we must decide our destination in life on our own, and direct ourselves toward that point. In this life, how could we direct all the resources and experience at hand toward that one point, without wasting ourselves away? No one else could do this on our behalf. Then, the key here for education is to develop an ability to exercise freedom and choose one’s own destination. In this sense, the final destination of education–where education shall take students in the end–is to teach that ability to students.

What Does Liberal Arts Teach?

This takes us straight to the essence of liberal arts education. Liberal arts education by its very principles revolves around the core concept of human beings. Human beings are unique in the sense that they alone can have freedom and ability to choose their own kinds of being. And the final destination for human beings still remains indeterminate, toward which all of us contribute, whether knowingly or unknowingly. And liberal arts education is meant to widen and free human beings as such. For this goal, liberal arts education emphasizes knowledge and ability that are necessary to make a bridge from one point to another. The four constituents of liberal arts education–liberal education, classic education, critical thinking, logical thinking–all exist for this one goal.

Let us categorize these four constituents into two groups to fit the context of this article. On one hand is a map that locates different destinations; on the other hand is a toolkit for navigation on the way. First, students must get a map within a big and flexible temporal and spatial frame, so that they could be freed to choose their own destination. In classic education, the first item for this map, students are made aware of their own historical and cultural conditioning, by having a broad range of exposures to the world classics. This also helps students see themselves in the broader context of time and space. In liberal education, the next item, students study across a wide range of disciplines that are largely divided into three groups–humanities and arts, natural science, social science–that consist of the world we live in. While mapping the world through it, students also map themselves, by reflecting on their preferences and interests arching different fields of study, so that they can think through their destination from multiple perspectives. Such map of the world and themselves, expansive and flexible in time and space, gives freedom and possibilities for students to contemplate and explore different destinations.

However, a good map is just useless, unless students know how to read the map. Obscure road signs and misleading information are on the road of life. This road is long and intricate, and yes, freedom comes with risk and responsibility. Here comes the need for critical thinking and logical thinking. At liberal arts college, students study various mediums–book, film, dance and so on–to question underlying assumptions and hypothesis, and challenge logical consistency. This trains their ability to analyze historical, cultural and scientific paradigms behind information. Students learn to discriminate relevant information from irrelevant information. Moreover, by writing and discussing extensively, students learn to recognize and challenge their assumptions and logic concerning the world. Through critical thinking and logical thinking, different points on the map of the world are thus connected, roads examined and established. Well prepared, students can now walk with firm steps on the road.

This kind of education always attracts strong opposing voice that asks for quick outcome from education. In today’s world, where uncertainty is the mantra of the day, such voice is exerting stronger influence than ever. Here, someone other than students themselves–parents, school, company, society–comes and determines the destination of education for students. The trend for teaching programming and entrepreneurship in early age is one of such phenomenon. We see this everywhere in education today. The poor victims of the short-term oriented education are those “good” students, as they are sensitive to expectations of adults. The intrinsic vitality that human beings have, which on its own directs and drives itself toward its own destination, vanishes through many years of taming. One must be aware of the thin line that sets guiding apart from taming.

If we actually care about individual life and growth of society, it’s obvious that education needs to be long-term oriented. Also, especially in the world where tomorrow appears uncertain, the most stupid thing is to submit to a future vision someone prepares, based on what is known in today’s world. The world is more connected than ever, more volatile. Each individual must have necessary knowledge and skill to decide their own destination. Therefore, the two focuses that education must develop today are the map that helps students locate different destinations and the basic toolkit for navigation.

Limits of Liberal Arts Education, Need to Turn Inward

So far, we have examined what liberal arts education offers in the context of today’s world. That is, liberal arts education gives students the map and toolkit for making a bridge. However, it isn’t fully sufficient on its own, as far as I’m concerned. Here is the map and toolkit, what else do we need for making a bridge in the road of life? It’s not training professional skills and expertise and what not, if you may wonder. That is merely one of the passing points, through which some walk in accordance with our interests and needs.

When we look for what is missing here, we do not go outward, but inward. What we need here is a compass that tells which direction to go. The map and tool kit alone cannot help students take one destination from myriads of paths spreading before their eyes. It could be even worse, with such map and toolkit, because now they are presented with too many options and information at hand. One must have the compass that directs oneself toward one’s direction. Then, how do we get such compass? The answer is–inward education. inward education might be associated with philosophy, literature and psychology and other relevant disciplines. That is not what I mean by inward education. They are useful, but being part of the Western knowledge, they come with a certain kind of limitation. And of course, inward education here is not about moral education that politicians like to talk about.

Inward education, in essence, is development of the eyes with which one sees oneself. This may sound rather obscure, but in simple terms, it is one of the ways people have to know thyself at its core. For instance, everyone, at least once in life, must experiences a dialogue with themselves. Say, when we make a choice that goes against the voice of our conscience, we ask ourselves many questions. In this situation, we are experiencing the self that sees and the self that is seen. It is the inward eyes I am talking about here that make such distinction possible. From the West to the East, the old to the new, this inward eyes have always been the integral part of the human life. Religion was mainly in charge of inward education in many parts of the world. Eastern religion have highly developed its system, and its form of understanding and knowledge are particularly inward oriented. The most familiar of such system to Japanese is probably Zen Buddhism.

Education That Gives the Compass Within

Not to mention liberal arts education, but school education in today’s developed countries is by large based on the Western knowledge. This knowledge is born out of the scientific approach, that is, reductionism that generates concepts and analyze things into constituting factors, from which causal relationships are established. The modern history proves that this is the best way for us to know the external reality of the world. Our education based on the Western form of knowledge tests the performance of students by seeing how well we can coordinate with the external world by our knowledge, and how much control we can exert over it. However useful this education and knowledge are, they are always directed outward, and thus they cannot let us go inward. Academic disciplines like psychology and philosophy that are often associated with the inner world are actually outward oriented, because their essences are the Western method, namely, reductionism that analyzes things into factors based on concepts. We cannot apply such knowledge to turn inward. For this purpose, we must learn ways of seeing and knowing that are particularly designed and developed for the inward inquiry. This knowledge is not about analysis and reduction; intuition and union are its governing principles. Religion, art and some martial arts in the East are the treasure box of such knowledge.

The Eastern Knowledge and Inward Eyes

The Eastern knowledge can only be found within a flow. As a Japanese poet Chomei Kamono puts it, “you never enter the same river twice,” this flow eludes our understanding if we attempt to grasp it by preconceived ideas and theories. This is quite a contrast to the Western way.

A French modern philosopher Descartes’ maxim “I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I am” is the essence of the Western knowledge. It all begins with self and thinking. There is an indisputable, clear boundary between this doubting, thinking self and everything else. This boundary is at the core of the Western knowledge. If we use the above example of the flow, the Western way aims at formulating knowledge of the flow by taking a portion of the flow, studying it with a supposition that it won’t change over time and the portion is the same as the rest of the flow, and so on. This way, the Western knowledge about the flow is established.

This is a useful method to know about things that are relatively more static or so we believe. But we come to learn at some point of life that life is a never-ending flow in itself, and we never enter the same river twice. Different flows exist in different individuals, and even in the same person, it is never the same from one moment to another. Even more, many flows seem to exist out there, but in reality, they might actually stream into one flow.

The Eastern knowledge intuits such flow by empty mind. By removing the boundary that exists between self and everything else, it aims to integrate all the different streams into one flow. The inward eyes eventually arrive at this point.

While intuitively seeing the flow changing from one moment to another, one integrates oneself into the flow. This is the essence of the Eastern knowledge, and its teachings are esoteric and direct, passed over from teachers to students in a special manner.

We Need a Clear Lens Inward and Outward

In today’s developed countries, including Japan, antagonism or atheism is the default standard of the day. This is only natural, given how much abuse and corruption different types of organizational religion have caused in the world over centuries, with certain religious views and practices that appear totally absurd to today’s scientific standards, and so on and so forth. However, as mentioned above, no matter how indifferent or blind we become to the role of organizational religion, the intrinsic demand people have for inward education does not disappear overnight. Rather, in today’s world with so much freedom and many options, our need for the inward eyes is higher than ever. Its real nature is questionable, but the trend we see nowadays for meditation and yoga reflects this condition. No matter how “enlightened” and “scientific” we become, the need for the inward eyes is intrinsic, deep down in our being. And it is something we must keep polishing, otherwise it becomes clouded.

Mankind has developed the vast amount of knowledge and technology about the external world. In fact, the quality of life on its outlook seems way better than before. But, the more outward our mind has become, the further we have gone away from inward knowledge. No matter how much knowledge and technology we have accumulated about the external world, a treasure is useless without eyes to see. For, the final destination in actuality can only be found within. And the irony here is that, the very people–the Westerners–who were the first to transform the world through outward knowledge have become aware of the limitation of outward knowledge. Now, by large, they are the ones who benefit from inward knowledge of the East. Blind to the treasure box they have, many people in the East believe that outward knowledge is the only way to go. We in the East could learn a lot from the West, especially its intellectual tradition like liberal arts education. However, the East must reclaim their rights to inward knowledge before it is too late. What the education of tomorrow requires is the lens that is clear on the both sides–outward and inward.

Human Life and Practice of Education

Here comes the conclusion of this article. First, education is about building a bridge from a point to another point, and the final destination of education is to enable students to choose their own final destinations. For this, students must have a map and toolkit, and above all, a compass that tells a direction. Liberal arts education specializes in the first two. But the last component is the least understood and practiced in today’s education. Please note here, though, that I never said “school” in the article. As written above, students themselves must be able to decide on the final destination of education, and that must continue after students finish their schooling. Rather, it is after schooling that real education begins, I must say. Surely, certain types of school could help students to develop knowledge and skills described in this article. Still, though, school is merely one of the passing points, and the goal of education remains the same: Students must be made in charge and capable of educating themselves toward their final destination.

It has been more than 2 years since I graduated from a liberal arts college in the United States. Life after college made me realize how difficult it is to consciously choose one’s destination and continue to educate oneself toward it. This is a constant process. One could be swirled by what we call “the real world,” and move further and further away from one’s original destination. One could lose the inward compass or the compass becomes so clouded that one couldn’t tell which direction one shall be going. The practice of education lies in being aware of all that happens in and out of oneself. Keep the inward eyes pure and clear. With sober mind, move forward toward that destination you set for yourself. This is education. All of us do this in one way or another, whether you are teacher or student, and we can learn from each other in our practice. And, only then, when we learn to direct ourselves toward the final destination we believe to be the best for ourselves, our society as a whole will become what it’s meant to be.

This is the end of the series. Thank you very much for your continuous subscription. This was a great opportunity for myself to reflect on the meaning of education I received. My understanding of education in general has deepened as a result. I hope this series has provided ingredients for you to further your understanding of liberal arts education, and education at large. My journey is still ongoing, and I shall write again along the way, one day. Until then,

About the author:

Kotaro Aoki was born and raised in a coastal town in Chiba, Japan. After completing high school in Japan, he went to the United States to pursue higher education at Wesleyan University, CT, in 2012. After graduating with a bachelor degree in Philosophy in 2016, he did a job hopping from global investment management to dish washing, and to many other jobs. In 2018, instead of his original plan to go to graduate school, he started wandering around different parts of the world in Asia and Europe. Now based in India, he studies Indian philosophy and its applications. His life mission is to know, teach and live the Absolute in the midst of the fleeting world. He makes living by translation and other things.

いいね または フォローしてね!
