米国大使館助成&女子中高生参加無料Girl Unlimited Program 10/31〆


English version>>

















What the heck is all this about?(この生というものは一体全体なんなのだろう?)」。









































自分の「calling」 を最後まで生ききることです。「calling」は個人の天啓、天職、天命を意味します。個人の意図を超えた摂理がもたらすかのような目的、使命、職業が「calling」と呼ばれます。「calling」は個々人によって異なる形をとって現れます。キリスト教のプロテスタントの伝統に縁がある言葉ですが、現在は宗教に関わりなく用いられます。



青木 光太郎インド各地を放浪する修行者。日本で生まれて高校まで日本で育つ。フリーマン奨学金を受けて、大学はアメリカのコネチカット州にあるウェズリアン大学で西洋哲学、特にスピノザとハイデガーを学ぶ。2016年に大学卒業後はグローバル投資会社からバーの皿洗いまで広く社会経験を積む。2018年春に日本を離れてアジアとヨーロッパの各地を訪れ、フランスのキリスト教の共同体「テゼ」にてある気づきを得る。現在はインドを放浪しながら、各地の師からヒンズー教の密教的側面を学んでいる。宗教や哲学の実践を通して人間の内面に関する真実を知り、現代の社会、教育、知識のあり方を問うていくのを使命とする。職業は翻訳家と文筆家。本サイトにて2017年〜18年にかけて「リベラルアーツ入門講座」を連載。[/author]

Journey to the West, and back to the East

Below is an English translation of an article I wrote for “How Ought We Live?”, a series intended to engage high school and college students in Japan with questions about life. Basically, this is a question and answer series where readers throw whatever life questions at me and I answer them to the best of my capacity. I received several requests from people abroad to translate the article, so I did.

The first question I’m answering is about my life. I reflected on and recollected my haphazard life trajectory up until now, with incidents and experiences that informed my life decisions. And the last part is dedicated to my message for international students.

the man and Himalayan mountains

How did you make life decisions at different stages in your life (pre-college, college and post-college)?What are some experiences, books and people that informed your life decisions? Any message for international students? What do you value the most today?

JA(USA, graduate)


Pre-college:Leaving for the US in search of liberal arts education

When I was in high school, I was part hardcore student athlete, part student of literature. I was a rather disproportionate hybrid; 80% athlete and 20% literature kid. In morning and evening, I ran like a wild horse. During the day, throughout whatever classes, I indulged in literature works like Dostoevsky and Haruki Murakami, or else I was deep asleep like a stray dog. I was a fairly good student back in middle school, but when I came to high school away from parents, I decided that I wouldn’t dare to spare my energy for things that I didn’t care about.

At Japanese high school, this wasn’t very easy. Besides classes, there were all kinds of school events and obligations that everyone followed. Yes, this is Japan. I struggled to make a point to avoid all mandatory things I didn’t care about. Thanks to my act of disobedience, my homeroom teacher invited me to the so called “behavior improvement room” several times. I remember in my senior year, I didn’t get along with my physics teacher at all, which resulted in receiving D in physics. At a scholarship interview a year later, this episode was to be shared with the selection committee in a humorous manner.

As with everything in life, my pastoral years of running and reading also came to an end in the senior year summer. Gradually, I realized that my life, once certain and all solid, was starting to take a less definite shape. How small my world was all these years, engrossed in a 400 meters track field! Another realization was the fragility and vulnerability of life and meaning. When all seemed clear at one point, in the next instance you could find yourself in abyss. I had a small scale, a younger version of a midlife crisis.

From the senior year summer to the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011, I came to the realization that I had to establish definite principles within myself, which could stand independently from any external measures and authorities–something unchanging within, lasting no matter what happens outside. For this, I first had to learn how to think for myself, and so I was turning my eyes upon learning and education.

As soon as I entered a university in Japan, I knew this wasn’t a place for the kind of education I sought. Generally, higher education in Japan is there to train students for specialist knowledge and practical skills. I was enrolled in a science department, but the other departments were more or less the same, mostly rather interested in research than in general education. If not sending students to good companies or training entrepreneurs, university was there to produce researchers. Where could I learn how to read, how to think? Where could I find the real, general education? Not finding any of that, I started to look for my next step elsewhere.

Soon enough, I learned about liberal arts education in the United States. One day, I found a blog by then a sophomore student at Wesleyan University, a liberal arts college in CT, USA. She was originally from Japan, studying at Wesleyan with Freeman scholarship. She excitedly wrote that, at liberal arts college, students were educated in all aspects of life, from intellectual to artistic, to social, and to cultural. The ideal of liberal arts education is well-rounded human being, I learned.

I read all the blog posts and books on the subject. I attended a few college fairs and even visited schools in the US before applying. I was convinced that this was it. A few months later, I finished my application process, and I was accepted into Wesleyan University with Freeman scholarship, my first choice.

College: American liberal arts education and its discontents

In my pre-college and college days, my mind was preoccupied with this question: “What the heck is all this about?”

From natural phenomena like growing and dying of insects and fish, to social phenomena like economics and politics, and to psychological phenomena that spring up in mind–I wanted to know it all. A liberal arts college in the US was no doubt the best place for that. But my curiosity extended well beyond the merely intellectual. It was with a strong sense of bemusement about human existence that I pursued my questions. Through my experiences in college, I found that the existential lens holds the key to understanding the mystery of life.

At liberal arts college in the US, students declare major in junior year. My major was philosophy. I discovered Fredrick Nietzsche in sophomore year. Nietzsche’s Thus Spoke Zarathustra had left an unfathomable mark on my existence. This was it, philosophy, I thought. I was always interested in the inner workings of humans. I found philosophy most fit for the way I think, which deals with the most fundamental concepts of all.

Although my main interests was in existential philosophy, my favorite philosopher was Baruch Spinoza. Spinoza, the foremost proponent of pantheism, shared with me a world, which many years later I also came to discover in the ancient teachings of India, through the lens of one substance, one truth. True knowledge isn’t to be mediated by symbols nor by numbers; it can only be acquired through intuition. That was Spinoza’s message. I found it insightful and revolutionary, truly distinguished from other Western philosophers.

International students from Japan may not be familiar with it, but college in America is a place for students to face their own faith that they have grown up with. At many colleges, especially radical, liberal ones like Wesleyan, students are prompted to critically question their faith, and many end up abandoning it. The liberal intellectualism in the US doesn’t go hand in hand with faith.

I was born to Christian parents and grew up attending church service every Sunday. For a short time, even after coming to Wesleyan, I used to attend church service in the town. Gradually, and naturally, I also came to abandon my Christian faith, which wasn’t too strong to begin with, and assimilated into the very atheistic, anti-religious culture of the American liberal intellectualism.

One of the precious encounters I had at Wesleyan is with an artist, with whom I was to nurture a trusting and genuine friendship. Wesleyan is known for its wonderful art programs, and every semester, we had several artists teaching art in different genres. In my junior year, I took a course with one of these artists, Eiko Otake. It was literally life changing for me. I hadn’t met anyone like her in my life.

In college, we were taught to think critically, freely and so on, but in many cases, such critical engagement didn’t extend beyond the merely intellectual paradigm. I witnessed this in many, many professors. Eiko was altogether different. There was no gap between thinking and being in Eiko. Her work, language and behavior, everything about her was a proof of integrity, which embodied a possibility of a truth outside the rational, intellectual paradigm. My interaction with her forced me to reflect on myself, who was confined within the paradigm of academia then.

As with many international students in the US, whether to stay on in America or return to home country was also my pressing concern. I wasn’t interested in business. My options I could think of were graduate study in philosophy or sociology or medical school for psychiatry. America was a place too attractive to leave, for there I was able to meet many interesting souls. My partner in college was from California. In every aspect, it was right for me to stay on in the US. Despite all this, I ended up leaving for my home, Japan, not choosing either option I had in mind. Instead, I found myself a job offer from an American investment firm. They sent me to their Tokyo office.

It was a decision of a rather negative nature. For, toward the end of my senior year, I was utterly disappointed at the result of my learning. I sought out the truth and studied philosophy. Despite all my efforts and enthusiasm, I found myself as far from it as I was before I started my search. I learned how to think critically, rationally. I gained empirical and theoretical knowledge here and there. But, I was in no way near true knowledge that the philosopher Spinoza talks about. My question was still unchanged and unhinged — “what the heck is all this about?”

Outside academia, I knew no place suitable for such searching and seeking, and academia didn’t offer a way that I sought. I gave it all up in the end, and returned to where people were living and enjoying life. I learned that I too had much worldly desires as everyone else.

Post-college: A “great” job for 4 months and journey afterwards

I started working at an investment firm, a well known one in the industry. However, after a short time, less than 4 months, I was out. Salary, working condition, colleagues, there was nothing I could complain about. My life was finally settled, at least on the surface, and I had to ponder no more on all the questions that used to occupy my mind in college. Life was simple now. What made me quit the job then?

One day, it dawned on me in a subtle yet definite way. It was a day off and I was in my room in Tokyo, flipping through the pages of the books I loved back in college. Some time passed. I then noticed that none of them could move me anymore now. It was just a meaningless chunk of words before my eyes. Cold sweat ran through my back. We know we love something only when it’s gone. Such is a painful way that life teaches us, but this difference, this loss I found in myself was just too insidious. A poem by a Japanese poet, Kenji Miyazawa, came into my mind:

Of the young folks around your age,
in a village of ten thousand people,
those given as much talent and passion as yours,
at least five could be found.

All of them with no exception,
lose what they have within 5 years.
It is either consumed by the weight of life,
or they give it up all by themselves.

No talent, passion or resource,
could simply stay there for humans.
Just like no one can stay with you for long.

I was at a loss for words for some time. Then, I realized something. Even though I couldn’t find an answer in college, the world I found in philosophy and literature, the questions that led me to that world, were all true and real. As long as it’s real and I pursue it, I might be able to find a way to arrive at an answer one day.

Shortly after, though not an easy decision, I quit the company. I too had the same material, social desires like everyone else — high salaries, status, security and all that. But what I was losing in exchange for these worldly fruits turned out to be way too heavy of a loss. On the verge of losing it, I knew, I couldn’t dare to sell it for any price.

Although the end of my search was uncertain, I had to keep pressing on it. No one but myself was there to take up the dire responsibility for this small bud of a possibility, which sprung up in me after searching and seeking for all these years. Otherwise, this bud would never see the light of day. The bud was the very core of my being that had kept me alive all this time.

From then onwards, for about a year, I tried different places and activities. I went through all the options I could think of in Japan. After all, nothing could satisfy me fully, and it was about time for me to leave for a long journey abroad. When one is ready to forsake all that is certain and known, journey can bring the utterly unknown into life. My first destination was India, where I spent one month in college days. I didn’t know how long I would be traveling nor where I would be going after India.

Almost one year has passed since then. The journey from India to Europe and back to India has brought me to a familiar, yet unimaginable place in life.

The realization I received that day in my room in Tokyo turned was right. The world I had found in philosophy and literature, these questions that had propelled me all through my life — at last there was a way toward an answer. What Spinoza showed to me back in college, true knowledge of the world, I found a deeper and more practical system in the ancient texts of India. I was also able to connect back, at a personal and essential level, to my Christian roots, after experiencing in India and in Europe that Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism all share one truth.

Through all this, I’ve met a few masters who showed me that true knowledge is attainable, just as it is written in Spinoza’s philosophy and the ancient Indian teachings. Now I’m based in India, practicing every day and learning under these masters now and then. It was beyond my wildest imagination to live a life like this. All the past conventions and norms were stripped off, and this is all that’s left of me, perhaps. I don’t know where I will be going, what I will be doing in the near future. But I’m in no way anxious, because I know I’m finally at the right place now. I will continue to search and seek, not losing my touch with the now and going straight ahead into the unknown.




My message for international students:

Since the Age of Exploration and Industrial Revolution, the West has been occupying the center of the world. Today, most important political and economic decisions are being made there, and many revolutionary technological innovations also originate in the West. If you go study abroad, your destination is likely to be one of those Western countries (China is also attracting ambitious young people nowadays). I myself have gone to the US, seeking its liberal arts education.

I have a message for those of you who have gone to the West to study. Please look into the teachings and wisdom of the East. Please do so, not as a blindly reactionary act out of your culture shock in the West, but as a practical solution to many problems that the Western civilization is facing in today’s world. Our time has undergone a tremendous growth in productivity and scientific, material knowledge. However, we hardly know anything about the inner workings of humans. It is almost too clear now that material wealth isn’t the answer to the pressing issues of human life and society. What alternatives do we have, though? The Western civilization doesn’t have much to offer in this regard.

However, those of us who are from the East, have access to the tradition that is distinguished from the West. What we have been missing in today’s life and education, the inner aspect of human existence, is the core of the Eastern tradition. It has been developed and practiced over thousands of years (if interested, read my old post on this a bit). When it comes to living (and dying at the same time), the Eastern wisdom has been many, many steps ahead of the Western one.

The West excels in the methods of the external knowledge, and this is still very much valuable to learn in this day and age. At the same time, though, we shall be aware of the limits of the West, its methods, lifestyle and society. Immersion in the way of the West can prepare a fertile ground to absorb the East as well.

The Eastern tradition is now well known worldwide thanks to the tech culture in California and the hippie movement in the past. Still, we from the East are geographically, linguistically better off to benefit from our own tradition. This connection is not dead yet. I mean, not just yet. So, I hope you will come to acknowledge this tradition and cherish the connection you have. It’ll open your eyes to the way, not only to flourish outside, but also to reside gracefully inside.

Lastly, if you find a small bud of a possibility in you, please believe in it, protect it, and nurture it at any cost. Going abroad expands the horizon of our world. At the same time though, we could get overwhelmed by its vastness and complexity. In that instance, we are tempted to turn away from this small individual that we are, and to stand on the side of a big wall. As Haruki Murakami puts it in his Jerusalem Prize speech, if we don’t stand on the side of the egg that is crushed by the big walls of the world, the small buds within you and me, all of us, could easily go unnoticed and vanish from the roots.

Please face the vastness and complexity of the world, but at the same time, choose to protect the small bud in you and others. In this divided world of ours, those of us who cross the borders of language, culture and race are expected to perform this feat. Only when each of us can choose to believe in a small bud in ourselves, instead of standing on the side of the big walls, globalism in a true form can come into being, a world that connects people as people, not some agents of economic and political transactions.

Going abroad is a great opportunity to find a bud within us. In today’s world surrounded by these high walls of the system though, the question is how to keep the bud alive. Each of us must live into an answer of our own.

What I value the most today:

I desire to follow my calling to the end. It is fortunate for one to live one’s calling, but it demands much courage and resolution to keep walking on the path. A true calling is unprecedented. You can have no compromise when it comes to calling. We can recall Mother Teresa and Mahatma Gandhi as people who followed their calling to the end.

I often doubt myself, if I can follow my calling to the end. Nietzsche once said, “overestimation of self is the secret to greatness.” Just like that, my calling demands detachment all that I am now. I must overestimate my capacity to stretch upward, away from where I am now. For someone so small like myself, this is not easy. There is much attachment to what I am now, left untouched. I must leave my attachment behind, and follow my calling to the end. This I value the most, and at the same time, is the biggest challenge.

About the author:
Kotaro Aoki is a homeless wanderer, writer and translator, currently based in India. Born and raised in Japan, he studied Western philosophy at Wesleyan University, CT, USA. Baruch Spinoza and Martin Heidegger were his favorite philosophers. After graduation, he did a job hopping from a global investment management firm to a classical music bar, observing and interacting with people from all walks of life. Two years after graduation, he went on a year long journey in India and Europe. In France, he stayed at Taize Community, where he found his calling. He now lives in India and is learning and practicing the esoteric art of Hinduism, yoga and tantra.[/author]

いいね または フォローしてね!
